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The Klocker Foundation

The Komm.Rat Dr. Hans Klocker and Dr. Wolfgang Klocker Foundation is an Austrian non-profit foundation based in Innsbruck. According to the late founder Emmy Klocker’s wishes, its purpose is to preserve the name givers’ memory through acts of charity and the promotion of art.

The foundation is in possession of a remarkable art collection that is being added to systematically by way of acquisitions. Since 2014, the foundation has been handing out a big art prize, every other year, and alternatingly one to two advancement awards, whose winners moreover are acknowledged through acquisitions, exhibitions and publications.

At the foundation’s seat, the Villa Klocker in Innsbruck-Arzl, fellows are offered accommodation and working opportunities. The extensive grounds moreover are home to a sculpture garden. 

The Board of the Klocker Foundation

The Klocker Foundation is a non-profit foundation under Austrian law. Its assets are invested in real estate and securities. The foundation is managed by the foundation board.

Anton Klocker

Chairman of the Klocker Foundation
Chairman ret.

Benedikt Erhard

Mayor of Lans, Tirol

Raimund Schreier

Board Member
Abbot of Wilten Monastery

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